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October 2006 Newsletter

Christ is in our midst! This past month has seen another period of incredible blessing and growth in Annapolis College Ministry and the presence of Christ’s Church on the campuses of St. John’s College and the USNA.

Our catechumen, Midshipman Harrison Smith, with whom I have been privileged to journey in the faith over the past three years, received the Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation on September 17. Harrison took the name Brendan for the 6th century Celtic navigator and pilgrim of Christ. He had greatly damaged his shoulder in rugby matches just the day before his Baptism but despite the pain was able to descend into the waters of Holy Baptism and come to holy illumination. Now his journey further up and further into the life of the Holy Trinity continues. Harrison is now our OCF student president at the USNA and has added to the number of my godsons. Praise God!

At St. John’s College daily evening prayers continue to draw a core group of students to participate in the daily life of the Church, many of them Protestant inquirers who desire to continue to grow deeper in their knowledge and love of Christ.

Additionally, I have started two new small groups to respond to the growing needs of those interested in coming to Christ and His holy Church at St. John’s College. There are now six students involved in these catechetical studies.

Annapolis College Ministry is the first of only two full-time OCF regional ministries in North America. We need your regular contributions to continue the ministry and grow so that we can continue to minister to the needs of those seeking Christ and His Church.

Would you prayerfully consider giving $10 or $20 of monthly support or increasing your pledge to help sustain this ministry for the future? Could you also share with your friends what God is doing through this ministry to bring the love and truth of Christ and His holy Church to the students of Annapolis? As our new budget year rolls around choices will have to be made as to the level of ministry we can offer the students in the coming year. We have the opportunity to continue to grow the ministry.

Thank you to all of you who are currently supporting this work of the Church!