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September 2005 Newsletter

We have now had two weeks of full-time college ministry in Annapolis. The Orthodox Church is bringing Christ to the campuses of St. John’s College and the U.S. Naval Academy on a near daily basis.

OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) ministry to these two historic colleges is different in that many OCF chapters are mainly geared toward ministry to those already Orthodox, but in Annapolis the ministry means growth for the few that are already Orthodox as well as evangelism and outreach to the many seeking the Truth of Christ and His holy Church. The student presidents of both these OCF chapters are converts through this ministry.

On September 6 we had our first Vespers of the new academic year at St. John’s College. Daily Evening Prayers mark a major step forward in Orthodox ministry on this campus. Most importantly, being on the campuses throughout the week means that there are increased opportunities for informal discussions with the students, who (being students) aren’t always prone to making appointments during ‘office hours.’

College ministry is at its heart relational ministry. It is a humbling experience to have students share their struggles with you and to be able to reaffirm God’s love for them and direct them to the means He gives us through His Church for our growth in unity with Him (theosis).

There are now three married couples journeying to Orthodoxy through this ministry, as well as two individuals, including one catechumen. Full-time ministry means that I can meet regularly with them all to discuss the Orthodox Faith with them and pray for them.

One of the couples, Cooper and Erica, met on our St. John’s OCF retreat last year. They have since married and now are intent on coming together to Christ and His Orthodox Church. Praise God. This year’s retreat will be Oct. 7-9 at a cabin in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains and will focus on the continuity between Orthodox worship, the prayer of the heart, and how through worship we are further united with the Holy Trinity.

Most of the students who participate in Vespers and Evening Prayers are non-Orthodox. All the students are invited and so you never know who will show up. The fact that so many are not Orthodox and yet wish to participate in Orthodox worship points to the deep searching for Truth of many of the students.

Annapolis College Ministry becomes truly Pan-Orthodox

Fr. Constantine White, Dean of St. Nicholas OCA cathedral in Washington, D.C. has joined the Board of Directors for the ministry. He adds many years of dedicated OCF ministry at Georgetown University, where he serves as spiritual advisor and chaplain to the students. Fr. Constantine is a great supporter of OCF college ministry. His service to the ministry is a tremendous contribution to our efforts to reach the Annapolis college students with the Gospel and Orthodox Faith.

Interview on Ancient Faith Radio

Annapolis College Ministry is on the radio. Go to www.ancientfaithradio.com and learn more about the ministry and the impact it is having on college students in Annapolis. Here are the times and dates for the interview:

  • Sat 9/24 at 8am Ct/9am ET
  • Mon 9/26 at 1pm CT/2pm ET
  • Wed 9/28 at 730pm CT/830pm ET
  • Fri 9/30 at 1am CT/2am ET

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers and support of this ministry, without which we cannot reach the students of Annapolis with the Truth of Jesus Christ and the Holy Orthodox Faith. We particularly need new monthly pledges to keep this ministry going. Even $25 a month makes a big difference. You can make a pledge or contribution online at AnnapolisCollegeMinistry.org. Thank you and may God bless you!