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ACM 2013 Lenten Newsletter

Dear faithful friends of Annapolis Pan-Orthodox College Ministry:

We have so much to be thankful for: This ministry, started in 2004, has been blessed to keep going and growing.  Holy Archangels Orthodox Mission has emerged out of the desire of the college students for local worship and a place to bring their friends and classmates seeking the truth of Christ.  Weekly services and pastoral counseling and mentoring are offered students at St. John’s College and the midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy and for the first time, we have engaged in outreach efforts at Anne Arundel Community College. 

Among the many who have journeyed to the Orthodox Faith in Christ through the ministry, begun their journey through the ministry, or were strengthened in Christ through the ministry there are family men and women, now parents, seminarians, teachers and educators, and many others making a difference for Christ and His Church in this country and even overseas. 

Serving the students during the day-time hours, in the midst of the week, in the evening, meeting with them individually takes time that only a full-time missionary chaplain could afford.  Your faithful monthly support makes this outreach to the students possible.

This Lent I have been offering the students a weekly teaching on the LORD’S PRAYER at our Presanctified Liturgies served at the St. John’s Boathouse, which is an opportunity for them to invite their friends.  The midshipmen too are invited and encouraged to attend—the Boathouse is just across the street from the Academy. 

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