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October 2008 Newsletter

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him forever! I hope this ministry update finds you well. Thank you for your much needed and faithful support of ACM. With the conclusion of Plebe Summer ministry in August another year of ministry has begun at both St. John’s College and the U.S. Naval Academy. One of our returning students, Harry Thompson Green has been received into the catechumenate. Harry is among the brightest and most gifted students to have come into the OCF and he will be a great asset to Orthodoxy in America. Praise God! We also have a new inquirer at the Naval Academy with whom I’m meeting weekly and one at St. Johns along with a whole new group of freshmen Orthodox.

His Grace, Bishop THOMAS, visits with the ACM while in town to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Holy Cross Orthodox Church with Fr. Gregory Mathewes-Green.

Your support means that I can continue to meet with students during the week. If not for your support, I could not meet with students during the day. This past week, for instance, I was able to have five meetings with individual students to encourage the Orthodox in their growth in the faith, to catechize those journeying to holy Baptism and Chrismation, and to help the inquirers to find Christ and His holy Church. In addition, we have three services during the week on the campuses.

I’m so thankful for the opportunity entrusted to me to help this next generation grow in Christ and come home to His holy Church. Many of you share my zeal for evangelism so I want to ask you to tell your Orthodox friends about Annapolis College Ministry. We are so thankful to God and to you that our support has remained constant over the past year. Unfortunately, the cost of living has not and we need to increase our funding.

Do you know someone who can contribute $10 a month toward meeting our financial needs and become a partner in this ministry to our college students? Can you yourself increase your contribution by $5 a month?

Please know that I pray for each of our contributors and thank God for each one of you. You make this ministry possible and share in the many blessings we have seen these past years as 14 people have come to Christ and His holy Church. Please keep ACM going so that more Orthodox students can come to own their faith and so that many more people can come to holy Orthodoxy.