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June 2008 Newsletter

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him forever! I pray that this newsletter update finds you well. I keep all of our ACM supporters in my prayers. It has been a while since I last updated you on God’s work through ACM. Since the semester ended at St. John’s and the USNA I have been knee-deep in landscaping work, which I do to supplement my ACM ministry income. Having just completed my third and final project before a new year of Plebe summer begins, it seemed like a good time to finally update you on all that has transpired since I last wrote to you.


We have a new catechumen! Midshipman Brett (Bucky) Barrett of Dallas Texas has been enrolled in the catechumenate and I’ve been meeting with him regularly to help him on his journey and prepare him for holy illumination. Please keep him in your prayers. The Academy presents many challenges to those striving to put God and His Church first.


Stephen Richards and Kate Brubaker, both of whom became catechumens through ACM last year at St. John’s and have since moved from the area, were brought into the Church during Holy Week. Stephen has moved back to San Francisco where he is from and is an active member at Holy Trinity OCA Cathedral. He also volunteers at St. Raphael House, an Orthodox homeless ministry, also in San Francisco. After graduating from St. John’s in Annapolis, Kate moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico and attends Holy Trinity Orthodox Church (Antiochian). We rejoice with them and wish them "Many Years!"

As I mentioned above, another year of Plebe Summer is about to begin. This ministry to the incoming class of freshmen at the USNA provides Sunday worship and discipleship for our Orthodox plebes. For a number of them each year, this is the first time in their lives when, being on their own, they have the opportunity to ‘own’ their Orthodox faith for themselves. I have found that many of the plebes really don’t know what it truly means to live out their faith. So I make it my aim during the six weeks we are together to strive to help them come to understand their faith better, as well as its relevance and importance to their daily lives, especially as it relates to becoming godly leaders.

I will be sharing more with you in the weeks ahead as I meet the new Orthodox plebes. In the meantime, please know how thankful I am for your faithful support of this ministry. Without you it wouldn’t happen. Please keep me and the ministry in your prayers this summer as I do all of you who support ACM. If any of you ever have a specific prayer request, I’d be happy to pray for you in that regard as I remember you on my prayer list. Feel free to email me.